Welcome to Jamie-Lee who is the second Jamie to join the ata team but the first who can actually design and detail houses!


What do you love about architecture JL? "The coolest thing about architecture is that you can make an idea real. Having a technical mind, I enjoy figuring out how a building is pieced together but also how spaces interact and flow."

Favourite aesthetic? JL covers each end of the spectrum: "It's super hard to pick one, but I love the classic 100-year-old villas and pieced-together baches of Aotearoa - Architectural but worn-in. I also really appreciate Brutalist architecture from the 1950s. These minimalist constructions showcase the raw building materials and structural elements over decorative design." She also loves glass. Lots of glass. "I like the idea of living in and with your surroundings but balancing that with layers of natural materials inside to bring harmony."

Where are you from and what is your heritage JL? "I grew up in Rotorua until I was a teen, then my family relocated to Gisborne. Both feel like home which is cool. I'm of Maori descent, my iwi are Ngati Pikiao and Tuhoe. My culture is super important to me and helps guide many life decisions."‍

What are you into, what fills your cup? "Just before COVID hit, I completed my first triathlon and really enjoyed the pain of completing it! So I got right into multi-discipline sports and have since done a few tri's and medium-distance running events to prove to myself that I can do them. Although, (for now) I've retired myself to a spectator! I love spending time with my family (my sister is my best mate) and reading. Trying to get my screen time down is a never-ending battle, with the goal being to read 24 books this year."

