‘Thank God it’s Thursday’ is what you’ll hear if you’re in the ata (formerly known at Adam Taylor Architecture) studio on a Thursday. Why? Because we don’t work Fridays. It is our practice to look past what is considered standard or normal. Continuously looking at how we can do things better, in order to be the best. This lead to us adopting the four day work week. It started as a trial, but with the benefits so glaringly obvious, it was locked in.

Hands down the team at ata are happier and more creative. Yes we work longer hours Monday to Thursday to get the work done but hump day is Tuesday night! We are all parents and the search for the elusive work/life balance is super important. With three days away from the office every week we have more time to unwind, recharge and connect with our families. This means we go to places and see things we otherwise wouldn’t on the two day weekends of old. Therefore stretching and opening our minds to new ideas the Monday to Friday grind stifles.
How many of you sit there on a Sunday night and think ‘Arghhh it doesn’t even feel like I’ve had a weekend and I have work in the morning.’ Cue the three day weekend to make you feel like you’ve actually had a weekend. We come into the office at 7am Monday morning pumped. The mini holiday means we have more energy and are far more efficient. I have worked in plenty of offices where not much gets done after 2 or 3pm on a Friday. There is simply no room for that sort of down time or clock watching at ata.
*Rest assured after hours (including Fridays) all messages are checked regularly and actioned as needed.